Building an outbound sales machine

When we hired our first outbound rep (a business development rep, or BDR) we had what seemed like infinite tests to run.  Should we target individual companies, specific industries, or just “spray and pray” with generic emails? And within each one of these campaigns, we aimed to perform multivariate testing on our subject lines, email templates, and number of touch-points.  Reading everything I could get my hands on about prospecting, there seemed to be some golden rules: Keep it short & sweet Be polite Include only one call to action Don’t be salesy I wanted to a) validate these general

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The Art of the Freemium Sale

Considering going freemium? There are two questions you should ask yourself: 1)   Is your product really, really great? 2)   How difficult is it to setup? If your answers are “yes” and “a breeze,” then go right ahead! If your answer to the first question is “maybe” then freemium is NOT the right model for you. If your answer to the first question is “yes” but your answer to the second question is something along the lines of “well, it depends…” then, you’ve got a few items to take into consideration. I would put products like Salesforce, Marketo, and Google Analytics

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